Everyone’s talking about the CLOUD! But it’s not just another buzz word- and it’s not new. What started out with Avatar ASP, the FIRST software of it’s kind in the Oil & Gas Industry, has now grown with new technology to become the Avatar Cloud. We are the only oil and gas provider that enables you to move your entire IT network into the Cloud!
- Our Solutions
- Integra Energy
- PetroSync Express
- Petroware
- Avatar 400
- Cloud Services
- Avatar RBS
- Docuphase
- Our Services
- Data Center Services
- Custom Programming
- Data Conversion

What is the Avatar Cloud?
It’s a powerful and cutting edge hosting solution that has the capability to revolutionize
your IT department operations….without the cost of investment in new infrastructure
or personnel training. It’s a “one stop” environment for your software applications
with complete understanding of processing shaped to fit your specific conditions.
Access your software applications and data via Internet from anywhere in the world through our data center located in Frisco, Texas, a Dallas suburb. The Avatar Cloud consists of redundant firewalls, storage, servers and routers that provide for all your needs in an “always on” format as your requirements dictate. The “Cloud” essentially works as one large super computer. So, imagine using many high powered servers to process your JIB, revenue distribution and reporting. Plus the Avatar Cloud can host any program and data, so the possibilities are endless!
Anytime, Anywhere
- Accounting
- Land
- Production
- Microsoft Office
- Reserve Economics
- Geological
- Geophysical
- Human Resources
- Document Imaging
- Custom Developed Programs
- In-House Developed Programs
A Smart Move
Why move to the Avatar Cloud?

A Winning Solution

Upgrade your business
Upgrade to a new level of technology without the cost of
new infrastructure. It’s a winning solution provided by a company you already know
and trust. All services are provided for a flat monthly fee. Want to learn more?
Contact your Avatar Representative today.