Avatar Systems Training
Avatar Systems, Inc. provides personal system training as well as data conversion
services and support. Onsite training is an integral part of the initial system
set-up and installation of all our software products. However, additional training
and services may also be scheduled at your convenience or accessed online for a
Remote Training
Whether you seek a refresher course, new staff training or a walk-through of set-up
procedures to reconfigure your system, we can help. You may gather the staff members
in need of training, define exactly what areas you need covered in training, set
up an online connection with our training staff and receive personal training in
your own offices without the added cost of travel expenses. Contact us to schedule
a remote training session.
Onsite Training
Onsite system training is a standard part of installation and is initially configured
into the price of your Avatar Software. Our trainers hold staff training sessions
in a classroom environment, onsite at your property. During installation, training
sessions include system set-up procedures where your managers define your system
codes, plans, financial reports and policies. Our trainers teach you how to best
utilize your tools to handle your day-to-day operations, as well as provide insight
on alternative procedures to help meet your business goals.
Regional Conferences
About once a year regionally, we host a one-day conference to update our users
on all the advances and changes in our software. You will receive a letter announcing
dates and locations. These are fun and relaxed conferences designed to help you
make the most of your software.